Zachariah will be starting violin lessons with instructor Alesha this coming week. He just finished the pre-twinkle class this past weekend. It’s a day where each student gets to learn and hear various instruments.
Zachariah started with violin. I couldn’t believe how small this instrument comes in. The school has this little make believe violins. It’s composed of one square box and one paint stir stick. It’s used to teach the kids in grabbing and holding the instrument.

After violin – he moved to the piano room. We thought for sure he would love the piano after he pounded on the keys…

At the end of the day, we asked Zachariah which instrument he preferred to learn….to our surpise, he gave us the same answer before the pre-twinkle class….violin. Volin it would be…so I ended up making a replica of the toy violin until the real one arrives.

Zachariah finally started his lessons. He finally got a real violin. I can't believe how small it is. Now, we just need to make sure he keeps up with the lessons.