Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland...

Some random picts of the yard with the new snow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Week 19th

Greetings friends and family,

We have some exciting news! We hope that it is true of what they say about having more kids - hopefully, number three would be easier...we shall see. Our newest miracle blessed us on August 15th (Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virigin Mary).

Here are some few pictures of Baby Xavier or Baby Isabella. See if you can determine the sex.

I know you couldn't tell from the picts above, but how about these two? See if you have the eyes to be a Ultrasound Tech.

Didn't see it? Check out the video clip.

For the past two months, Zachariah was saying goodnight to his brother/sister by saying baby XXXAAAVVVVIERR (Xavier)- BELLLLAAA (short for Isabella). It wasn't until two weeks ago that Zachariah started calling the baby by one name only. Well, it turns out he was right on the money.

Our newest member will be leaving the comfort zone and joining us in early May.

Have a great week!