Mystic Seaport, CT
For those that never set their sails for Mystic Seaport, CT – here’s few shots of our recent Labor Day adventure. The main attraction is the historic seaport that is preserved with the old ship yard with the oldest wooden whale ship (Charles W. Morgan) built in 1841 which they are currently rebuilding by hand and natural parts. It's a great place to visit. If you remember the movie that started it all for Julia Roberts in Mystic Pizza, that pizza shop is still there near the draw bridge. Another movie that was filmed there was Mystic River starring Kevin Bacon.
Besides the seaport, they also have a big aquarium and other natural attractions. The seaport does have tons of fun things for the kids: like bulding your own ship, making candles, and learning the old trade of making ships by hand.
For more on the whale ship, check out
The drive from Pittsburgh to Mystic Seaport takes about 8 hrs with no traffic. I have to confess I got lost on the way back home...even with a GPS. The roads change on you fast esp. through NJ and NY. Watchout for the state troopers, they drive unmarked cars and SUVs. Also, the drivers are more aggressive than CA drivers. Everyone thinks they are driving the bat-mobile.
After a long drive, Max and I relaxed on the sofa...Without traffic, it should have taken 8 hrs, but we hit traffic through NJ, NY and on the I-95 in CT. It seems everyone had the same idea of getting away from the city.
Isabella was all smiles during Mass.

We saw this tour bus on our way to Mystic Seaport. I told Suzanne that they maybe heading to same destination as us...I was right, we saw them at the Seaport.

awww...i love how isabella's always smiling! and zachariah and max are so big now!
awwww my goddaughter is so smile-y!! teeheeheeeeee
I can't wait till you guys come to Cali. I'm seriously counting down the days till i get to see the entire chongster clan again
u know i went back and looked at the pictures again b/c i wanted to get a closer look at all the pics. Suzanne, i see what you mean by Max climbing everything. Even though i don't see him actually climbing things, the pics of him standing on ledges and inside the little hole with Zach shows how much more active Max got!! he got so big that it seems like he's almost outgrown his stroller! =) so amazing. And u can totally see the big brother trait in Zach now. he's pushing the stroller, taking pics of Bella... gosh. i wish i could spend more time with them before they get all big!! They grow up so fast...
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