My first two months - by Isabella
The ride back to the house was a tad long, but I managed to sleep through. My parents told me to rest up because my two brothers were anxiously awaiting for my arrival. Nothing could have prepared me for what was in store for me....

Max to Zachariah: "So, what do you think our little sister will be like?"
Zachariah to Max: "Hopefully, she will be very small so I can carry her around all over the place."

The first week - Dad and Mom did their best in isolating me from my two brothers. That's the least they can do for me; considering the trauma that I've experienced. I did most of the work while mom took all the credit for my delivery.

I found out my brother, Max had many personal therapists. My other brother, Zachariah seems to be envious of Max with all the attention he gets from others. I'm a little jealous myself. He has so many toys and art set. I can't wait to dive in to his toy box.

This is Alisha. Just one of several thereapists that comes on a weekly basis for my brother.

My mom call this position, the Kimchi squat...apparently this requires strong leg muscles.

Everytime my mom was holding me, my brother insisted for her to put me down and carry him.

Luckily for him, my dad was around to hold me. Otherwise, I would have given his my piece of mind.

My dad seems to love taking photos of me. I do what I can to please him. Apparently, my two brothers were fascinated with the duck from Baby Einstein....honestly, I don't see what the big fuss is about. It's just a simple duck...doesn't quack unless you squeeze it.

I knew my brother was laying next to me...I pretended I was asleep so I wouldn't be pestered by him.

Yes, I'm really sleeping here. A girl has to get her beauty sleep.

This is Mary, the other personal therapist. My brother Max says Mary really works him hard almost like a personal trainer.

My brother playing tug of war with the hoop.

Yeah, I found my brother, Zachariah trying to sabotage my play gym.

This is the look I give my older brothers..."you want a piece of me?"

I usually take several power's good for my muscle development. My dad said I need to be tough so I don't get pushed around by my two brothers.

As you can see, I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Not sure if it's just a boy thing or seems to be a trend with my brothers always looking at themselves in front of the mirror. I have to ask my mom if they are a narcistic.

My dad was trying to be goofy and make me I gave him one of my grins.

Yup...trying to see what the fuss is all about with this duck and his pals.

My brother Max watching one of his favorites....Baby Gaileo. I'm sure I'll be forced to watch the DVD soon.

My mom gave me another bath and I finally lost the last piece of the umbilical chord.

See, what did I tell you - I can't shake him away from me. This brotherly love is starting to get real old.

Finally some peace and downtime for myself.

Enough with that camera, Dad! No more flashes! for the camera. I'll look at the duck.

You said just one more....I'm starting to get annoyed.

Here's few poses that I've mastered. If I can't get my dad to drop that camera, I might as well make the most of it.

I call this the "cute" pose.

Of course during my photoshoots, my brother manages to throw off my concentration.

If I pretend to sleep, maybe he will go away...

Oh good, my Dad got sidetrack trying to take some picts of my brothers....good luck!

Another power nap for me...

Didn't I tell you - this brotherly love is great, but it's a little over the top for me.

My dad realized the duck was doing anything for me so he squeezed birdie.

My brother with his other personal therapist, Jarred.

Jarred was making him do some push-ups...

Back to duckie for Dad.

My brother, Zachariah trying to master the chopsticks.

Max crashing on the pillow afer his workouts.

My brother Max seems to be in good spirits usually after his meals and naps.

I was trying to voice my complaints with my mom...but she just kept babbling.

Like I said, we women have to stick together in this house.

My brother Max showing off his balance.

Alright Dad! Using natural light. It's about time you put away that external flash.

I must have dreamt of being back in the womb.

You woke me to take another picture?

Okay, Dad. Just for you - here's a smile.

Now, can I get back to sleep?

You should have put me on this swing from day 1.

My mom trying to satisfy my brother.

Hey Dad, first properly dress me. Enough with that camera!

Even my brother couldn't see what the fuss was about...

I'm starting to warm up to him - my brother Max was giving me the pointers.

I guess it's going to be a long few months.

Well, I have two loving brothers to help me through...they're not so bad.

Me and the guys. It's not my best side, but I was a sleep for this shot.

Okay, who put me in this laundry basket?

Wait, it's like a shelter. My brothers can possibly come in her.

Spoke too soon...

Like I said, Max gets all the attention and cool toys.

Better get more sleep so I can grow and overpower them.

So, Mom - what you're telling me is that I don't need brute force to overpower them? You mean, I just need to use my set of lungs and out scream them? That so easy.

You just wait...big brother. You haven't heard me scream, yet!

One of Max's many exercises -

My brother Max on the balance beam.

That didn't look too hard...come on, let me try.

I'll just work on my nap.

One of many silly faces from my brother Zachariah.

How's this expression?

Or check out this pose.

My brother trying to give me some pointers again.

That was the silliest face.

Stop stomach is starting to hurt.

Every morning - he's always there.

Nothing gets me down in the morning. I'm usually in a good mood.

One of my many candid moments...wasn't ready for this shot.

Are you serious?

Okay, can you tell him to back away?

Here's my sorrowful do you like it?

Ok, enough kidding around.

What! The ducky again?

Try this angle, Dad.

My brother being entertained by mom.

One of the many weird spots for me...the stairs?

My mom is trying to put me on workout.

Another headshot? How's this pose?

You want more?

Max testing out my swing.

My brother Zachariah in my face, again!

Okay - give me some space.

My brother, Max loves to climb up on the automan. He's got pretty good at it lately. Every morning he makes it his mission to conquer the automan.

This was the first time my dad tried to feed me with a bottle. No offense, Dad - but I prefer the traditional method...where's Mom?

No more flashes! Use the natural light.

You see, doesn't my skin look softer and better?

Max - piggy bank

Superman Undies? My brother, Zachariah finally got off the diapers. He was potty trained for #2, but he insisted to pee in the diapers. I told him the diapers had to go.

Show me that picture again. Did you get my good side?

Dad, you're not going to post this or are you?

I could get used to this family.

so many picturES!! =) LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!! Hahahaha Zach is learning chopsticks now?? Wow!! Hahaha so cute.. he must love being the head honcho of the three. Max is so much bigger!! =) so cute!!! love his smiles <3 And my goddaughter!!! soooo pretty!!! wat's her personality like? =)
did you post more pics??? =)
i love zach's superman ppans. and Max looks so much more active! =) does he run around now?
and Bella smiles so much =) does she even cry that much?
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